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Friday, May 10, 2013

Cultivation of worms Lumbricus Rubellus Good

It is very important to note the start of cultivation earthworms lumbricus rubellus is selecting superior seeds and ready to be cultivated. Because good seed farmers can make the business is going well, therefore, seed supply must meet the requirements of cultivation.
Choose breeders worms to ± 1.5-2 months old seedlings with healthy broodstock characteristics include adult worms that already has a bracelet (clitelum) on the front of the body, does not smell and look fresh. Enter the seeds into the growing medium in the form of cow manure worms that have been deposited ± 2 weeks. Cow manure is great for weight growth and proliferation of worms Lumbricus Rubellus. "Put 1 kg tub of worms in the wood packing materials or containers made of plastic or tarp mixed 1 kg of sawdust that has been soaked in water to remove the smell of sap and seeds worms and 3 kg of cow dung that has been deposited or blackened.

Feed given each day in the form of tofu or dregs of palm, cow dung is still in fresh condition or still green, composting of market waste and organic household waste. Comparison between the feed, and the media (cow dung deposited) 1:3. Within a period of two weeks the worms will spawn. The next 7-10 days 1 piece each worm produces eggs, egg-shaped oval and measures approximately 1/3 of the match head. This cocoon placed in damp areas. Within 14-21 days to cocoon hatch. Each cocoon contains 2-20 eggs but who can live an average of about 4 tails. Mature egg will look yellowish, and should be separated between the parent worm eggs. Separation can be done using lighting equipment because worms are very sensitive to light, so the worms will gather at the top of the media. Then we just separate the worms with the medium. In addition to a more economical process reversed by the adoptive parent worms media and transferred to new media for farmed again.
For worm eggs are left in the media fed again until the eggs hatch. After 1 month the eggs will hatch into worms child, then after 2 weeks the worms separate children into new media. The former child medium worms can be made into fertilizer vermicompost. So for ± 3 months will produce 4 kg of worms ready to sell 1 kg broodstock. Replace the media within a period of 2 weeks during the maintenance period because it is very important to improve productivity. Future productivity of breeding worms with a maximum of 40 days laying phase 2 to 3 times, counted as an adult (ready to spawn), or approximately 1 month of age.


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